shark site

​​​Websites are vulnerable and are also the first image that companies have show on the network.

There are different types of cyber attacks on a website and some techniques they are used for the purpose of being able to change or modify some objects (images, javascript, scripts, links) contents

within the html pages that are loaded by users 'and customers' browsers; in addition to the html pages themselves.

​sharksite ​allows you to catalog the structure of a website and to select the objects whose integrity you want to monitor.

A «web objects  integrity checking» ​engine it then carries out periodic checks and alerts automatically if it finds changes on the website. 

​A console allows you to manage the reports and alerting levels for each individual object surveyed in the «db checks».
​​​The service is based on a mapping of the website, in order to select the «web objects» task of the next check.

​An MD5 hash is calculated for each selected object and is used as the term of comparison.

Once a mapping (or a mapping review) is done, the «web object integrity check» controls​, on a regular basis, the integrity of the objects by recalculating the hash and comparing it with that original.

​If any changes are found, they are automatically sent email to a predefined distribution list.

​A console allows you to check the results of the checks and to modify the checklist.